The big anniversary “250 years of Caspar David Friedrich – From Greifswald to the world” is in full swing. Numerous events can be found in Greifswald’s summer programme. In this context, art-cube – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst e. V. is planning a special event with the Performance Day on 13 July 2024. This is part of the project “Zeitsprünge – performative Annäherungen an Caspar David Friedrich” and will take place in and around the CUBIC artspace on Karl-Marx-Platz in Greifswald.
From 3pm to 6pm on the day of the event, various performative works on the theme will be realised. Eight artists and two duos will present their work: Ted Behrens, Astrid Brünner, Yvonne Dombrowski, Marie Donike & Johannes Specks (duo), Janine Gerber, Kapella (duo), Anne Marte Overaa, Stefanie Rübensaal, Marcus Schramm, Pauline Stopp. The presentations will all take place on Karl-Marx-Platz – either in CUBIC itself, on the CUBIC stage or in the immediate vicinity of CUBIC.
You are cordially invited!
Flyer design: Pauline Stopp

Of course, you can also find out about the voluntary work of the art-cube and ask questions to the contributors. You can also marvel at postcards from the first part of the “Zeitsprünge” project. One of the cards, photographed by Sebastian Przeperski, can be seen below. There are six different motifs that were created during the preparatory work for the video collage “Zeitsprünge”. Their presentation took place in April this year. More information can be found here!
Photo below: Sebastian Przeperski