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Performance ‘transmission’ published in picture gallery

I developed the performance ‘Wandel’ for the 34th state-wide art show entitled LUFT NACH OBEN. The art show is organised and curated annually by the Berufsverband Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler M-V e. V. (Professional Association of Visual Artists M-V). This year, the 250th anniversary of Caspar David Friedrich provided the occasion to realise the art show in Greifswald, the city where Friedrich was born. I developed an intermedia, performative installation for this, which was shown at the midi opening on 1 June 2024 in the Spielhalle KUNST. It is now possible to view photos and video stills from the performance on my website in the image gallery.

The photographs were taken by Eva Leder.

Raumansicht Performance
Ansicht Projektionsleinwand

I understand Caspar David Friedrich’s pictorial worlds as perpetual questions about who we are and how we experience and shape the world in which we live. I am primarily concerned with the need for a more conscious experience. That is why different levels of perception are integrated into my work: A video collage, which refers to aspects of the landscape via the movements of a veiled body, is projected from behind onto a large projection screen installed in the room. From the front, this serves as a canvas for a painting that I create spontaneously. A soundscape created for the performance accompanies the situation. For the audience, I appear as a rear figure, while I incorporate the visual and auditory impressions into the painterly improvisation.


A catalogue was also published to accompany the exhibition. In the picture above this paragraph you can see the page with my contribution. The publication can be viewed during a studio visit or purchased from the BBK M-V. If you